Washington has many laws that most citizens don’t even know exist until they find themselves directly impacted by these bad policies. We’re doing a “Did You Know” series of existing laws under our 5 areas of focus: Parental Rights, Education, 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment and the Right to Life.
How to use this resource: Our graphics give you a 30,000 foot view of some of the most important policies that we believe may impact you and your family. These are perfect to share on social media, with friends and family. If you want to dig deeper into each of these policies, we have included links below the graphics so you can go down the “rabbit hole.” If you have questions or concerns we encourage you to reach out to our team – we’re here to help you however we can.
This year, the state legislature passed citizen initiative 2081, also known as the Parents’ Bill of Rights. This initiative pertains strictly to the rights of parents in education. It is very narrow in scope and does not change existing anti-family laws. It is a good step in the right direction, but parents need to stay on guard and understand the existing laws and the extend of I-2081. Here are some helpful links to explore on the initiative:
- Judge halts key parts of 2081: Judge blocks parts of WA’s new parental rights law (yahoo.com)
- Implementation of I-2081, the Parents’ Bill of Rights (ospi.k12.wa.us)
- “We Thought She Was a Great Teacher” | City Journal (city-journal.org)

This has been law since 1967 and has gained better awareness of parents in the last decade. This law allows a provider to deem a minor mature enough to make certain decisions such as: emergency medical, immunizations, mental health, abortions, “gender affirming care”, STD testing and care and much more.

In 2023, Washington legislature passed HB 1469 and SB 5599, a pair of bills that make abortion and “gender affirming care” protected healthcare, allowing minors of no minimum age to access these services without parental knowledge or consent. HB 1469 made WA a sanctuary state for “transgender” care for children, meaning children can be trafficked from other states and their parents, their state government, will not be able to do anything.
Parents: What You Need to Know About New WA Laws – Conservative Ladies of Washington
The Major Gaslighting Effort Behind SB 5599 – Conservative Ladies of Washington
- HB1469: The Shield Law (Abortion and Gender-affirming Care)
- Defines abortion and gender-affirming treatment as protected healthcare
- Shields providers (school resources, providers, trafficker, etc) from any legal action
- https://www.texastribune.org/2023/12/21/texas-attorney-general-trans-seattle-childrens/
- https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/seattle-hospital-sues-texas-ag-who-sought-records-of-trans-minors/ar-AA1lS0ky
- https://www.atg.wa.gov/news/news-releases/attorney-general-ferguson-statement-us-supreme-court-s-idaho-abortion-decision
- https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/idaho-mother-son-face-kidnapping-charges-in-15-year-old-girl-s-abortion-in-oregon/ar-AA1jAfYl?ocid=BingNewsSerp
- Services are taxpayer funded
- Passed with Bipartisan support in 2023 with an emergency clause, making it take effect upon signing by Governor Jay Inslee

In the 2021 legislative session when the legislature passed HB 1225, supporting School Based Health Clinics. According to this law, SBHCs provide a “crucial link” between education and health care. And of course, this law is needed because of disparities created by Covid. You know how the saying goes…”never let a crisis go to waste.”
School Based Health Centers: What parents need to know – Conservative Ladies of Washington

Passed in 2022, ESSB 5883 permits an unaccompanied homeless minor to provide informed consent for non-emergency, outpatient, primary health care services. Under the bill, however, there is no requirement that a health-care provider seek documentation that a patient is even an unaccompanied homeless minor at all. 5883-S.SL.pdf (wa.gov)
Senator Mike Padden (R-LD4) offered an amendment to the bill that would recognize parental rights, while also recognizing and informing health-care officials of information related to the principle of implied emancipation. That principle is also known as the mature minor rule, as articulated in the Washington State Supreme Court case of Smith v. Seibly.
“It is possible to address the underlying concerns expressed by the sponsors of this bill, without taking the extreme actions this bill would take,” said Padden. “The mature minor rule already allows truly emancipated minors the ability to receive the care they need, without shutting out loving parents who want only the best for their child.” The amendment was not passed, nor were any of the amendments offered by republicans in Olympia to make this bill less extreme.

Conservative Ladies of America is a citizen run and funded organization. We are not affiliated with any political parties. Our mission is to EDUCATE and EQUIP other citizens to protect themselves and their families and to step up and take action to create real change in your local community, your state and on a national level.
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