*By Julie Barrett, Founder, Conservative Ladies of Washington
Did you know…September 21, 2021 is WORLD GRATITUDE DAY?! In these days, it seems like each day brings a new cringe-worthy event that feels heavy and dark and discouraging. Because of these times we are living in, I believe it is more important than ever before for us to focus on gratitude.
There’s a day to celebrate pretty much everything, it seems.
The World Gratitude Day celebration is the idea of Sri Chimnoy, a meditation teacher and spiritual leader. It was during a Thanksgiving dinner in a meditation room of the United Nations Building where he suggested this occasion on the year 1965. Each member gathered and agreed to celebrate the Gratitude Day on September 21. In 1977, a resolution was submitted by the group to recognize the World Gratitude Day. This happened at the New York Headquarters during a special ceremony that honored Sri Chimnoy. Ever since that day, the World Gratitude Day became an annual observance. 21st September World Gratitude Day 2021, About, History (dayfinders.com)
I don’t typically write about random days of celebration, but I think this one is important. Given all we are experiencing right now, it can be really easy for us to focus on what’s wrong, what’s being taken away and get discouraged and distraught. When we focus on the negative it’s so easy for us to get depressed and feel the heavy weight of the world.
Focusing on gratitude and what we have brings us to a place of hope and contentment. You’ve probably heard the saying…”gratitude turns what we have into enough.” Right now it’s easy to focus on what we may be losing – a job, our freedom, our pension, loved ones due to illness, normal life as we knew it. Shifting our thoughts to a place of gratitude reminds us to be thankful for the many blessings that we already have, still have and those that can never be taken from us.
As a Christian, my hope is in the Lord. Every day I give thanks for what the Lord has done and is doing in my life and those that I love so much. I especially give thanks for the sacrifice of His son Jesus that gives eternal life and reminds me each day that the troubles of this world are only temporary and that Jesus has already won the battle….by a long shot!!
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Just a few things I am grateful for today:
Having everything I need
A loving family
Dear friends who bless me each day
Living in the most amazing nation on the planet – the greatest experiment ever!
The privilege of living during these times – it is uncomfortable, but it is an exciting privilege
Sun & good coffee are an extra bonus today
What are you grateful for today? I challenge you to spend a few minutes (or more) to think about all the blessings in your life that you are grateful for and write them down. I guarantee you will feel happier and encouraged when you do!
“I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done. I will be filled with JOY because of you.”
Psalm 9:1-2