Back in 2013 when I was walking through a particularly dark time in my life, one of my Facebook friends spoke John 1:5 over me as I was getting ready for a court hearing.
“The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.”
Light always wins.

That’s what he told me. I was not a believer at that time in my life, but I was desperate for any shred of hope over my situation. And so I grabbed onto this scripture and this phrase and have clutched it to my heart ever since that spring day in 2013.
I was listening to Lance Wallnau on a Facebook live this week and he was sharing a video from Stephen Bannon’s War Room Pandemic show earlier in the day. The theme that kept coming to me through all the different things that were being shared by both the Bannon team and Lance Wallnau was none other than “light always wins.”
I remember the days during that very long, dark season that a positive outcome seemed impossible. I was truly hopeless. The cool thing about God is that he allows for us to go through these dark, impossible seasons because it’s only then that we are able to see that victory was ONLY GOD. We get the privilege of clearly seeing the miracle of God. And these past victories provide us an opportunity to look back on God’s goodness and realize…YES, HE CAN!
Our past victories provide us an opportunity to look back on God’s goodness and realize…YES, HE CAN!
julie barrett
That is awesome! Looking back on the amazing things God has done – big and small – remind me today that God’s glory is displayed best when we see things as impossible. When we come to the end of ourselves is when God is able to do His greatest work. And that gives me so much HOPE.
Back in 2013 when I was going through a dark season that lasted several years, I wasn’t a believer and what I didn’t have was HOPE. My friends, being hopeless is the absolute worst condition for a human being. Without hope we have nothing. And in my hopeless condition, I did not want to continue living. Yes, I said that. I was truly at the bottom of a dark pit and I couldn’t see a way out. BUT GOD!
I don’t say it lightly – God literally rescued me from the bottom of a pit. I know we’ve all had our seasons of darkness. Some of them longer or shorter, and some of them darker than others. When we look back and see that even during that darkness that light of hope was still there. Maybe it was a just tiny spark – a tiny bit of light – but that is all God needs. Faith the size of a mustard seed.
This season in America is dark. The evil is very real and it’s heavy. We are feeling it in so many ways. We are fatigued mentally, emotionally and maybe even spiritually. We can’t wrap our minds around the amount of chaos that’s going on in our world. It’s coming at us every day from many different directions and it feels like we live in the “upside down.” And yet, I have this sense of calm…that peace that passes understanding. Because I know…
God is up to something BIG. I don’t know what it is but I know it’s going to be a miracle so great the whole world says…ONLY GOD! This mess is so big that ONLY GOD can rescue us.
We have to continue this fight, this battle on our knees. And we can rest in the peace that LIGHT ALWAYS WINS. Be encouraged, my friends, God is going to show up “bigly!”