Stop Calling It a Vaccine

Stop Calling It a Vaccine

*By Julie Barrett, Founder, Conservative Ladies of Washington

I fully admit, hearing people call it the Covid-19 “vaccine” triggers me. It is NOT a vaccine. What’s the big deal, it’s just a word? Words matter and, these days, it’s become far too easy for people to simply erase definitions of words and give them a new definition that suits their purpose. That’s not how it works!

Senator Rand Paul was on Capital Hill yesterday questioning Tony Fauci about his gain of function research and brought up the fact that the definition of “vaccine” was changed by the CDC in September to better suit the current narrative.

Representative Thomas Massie shared the following graphic of the CDC’s evolving definition of “vaccine” on Twitter. It’s not difficult to see how the government is changing words to manipulate public perception and to control the population.

A look at some internal CDC emails from August 2021 shows that they changed the definition due to “right wing Covid deniers.”

https bucketeer e05bbc84 baa3 437e 9518 public images c2037351 43d4 4be3 a383 479959b34a33 785x238 1

The CDC’s Lead Health Communication Specialist Alycia Downs then sent the following email to her superior requesting approval to change the definition because it is “outdated.”

https bucketeer e05bbc84 baa3 437e 9518 public images d5ed67da 86c5 4131 9f51 a1eb631d83dd 743x353 1

Apparently Alycia received no response as she sent the following, more urgent email 6 days later on August 25th to Valerie Morelli.

https bucketeer e05bbc84 baa3 437e 9518 public images 234092f0 46fc 40a2 abe5 18b43a4e0a04 757x562 1 1

And finally, on September 1, 2021, Alycia receives her approval from Valerie to make the change to the definition of “vaccine.”

https bucketeer e05bbc84 baa3 437e 9518 public images a9ab6b97 926f 4d43 a6f9 4ef471b3a1f2 952x572 1 1

Over the last year we have gotten a first-hand look at how these injections are working. They have been approved for EUA (emergency use authorization) without proper testing. We’ve seen that people who have received the injections are equally susceptible to contracting Covid-19 as those who have not received the injections. We have ample information to show that natural immunity gives greater protection than the injections do and that injections do not prevent the spread of the virus (nor do masks, but that’s another post).

Please stop calling this a “vaccine.” But it’s just a word! Yes, and words matter and our society is being deceived by the manipulation of definitions of words. If we play along, we are allowing this to happen. Call it an injection, call it a shot, but do not call it a vaccine.

Conservative Ladies of Washington

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