*By Julie Barrett, Founder, Conservative Ladies of Washington
Over the weekend Southwest Airlines canceled over 1800 flights, accounting for 28% of each day’s service. Other airlines canceled flights as well, but not nearly to the degree that SWA did. Washington State Ferries also had an unheard of number of cancelled routes over the last several days – to the tune of over 100 on Saturday alone. On Sunday, Amtrak tweeted that they were canceling routes due to “crew issues.”
The mainstream media is claiming the Southwest cancelations are due to weather issues, which is odd considering that these conditions are not affecting the other airlines. The Washington State Ferries are said to be having issues due to crews being quarantined for Covid-19 and being of retirement age. That’s very interesting the timing of these crew shortages with the October 18th vaccine mandate deadline looming. I mean, if I was one of these workers and was making the choice not to inject my body with one of these vaccines and knowing that I could be fired, I would probably want to use up as much of my remaining Paid Time Off (PTO) as possible.
I am excited to see workers all across this great nation standing up for their constitutional rights. The threats and coercion by our government are authoritarian and anti-American and if we don’t stand up to them now (regardless of what you choose with the vaccine) they will continue to take more and more of our freedoms away from us. I’ve said it since Governor Jay Inslee first announced these vaccine mandates in Washington state – this is going to be the biggest game of chicken we’ve ever seen. Are they really prepared for the people to stand up and say “NO” and walk away?
You have to be vaccinated to travel to many places. How does that work when the plane can’t get off the ground because the pilot chose to practice his medical freedom? People want to dial 911 and have the police show up in response to their emergency. How is that going to work when you have almost 300 Seattle Police officers who are choosing not to get vaccinated and therefore are told they will be without a job on October 18th? And it’s not just Seattle police and it’s not just Southwest airlines.
It’s doctors and nurses and other medical professionals. It’s teachers and bus drivers and other school staff. It’s firefighters and paramedics. It’s Department of Transportation workers and construction crews.
The people who want to work and are not afraid of Covid are working. But a large percentage of those people may lose their jobs in the weeks to come because they are not vaccinated and aren’t going to be vaccinated – maybe they had Covid or maybe there is a medical reason they can’t get the vaccine or maybe they just don’t want it! There’s a large percentage of people who have not re-engaged in the workforce because they are either getting paid by the government not to work or they are afraid of the Covid and have chosen not to return to work. We are preparing to see the population of people who want to work and are capable of working be terminated for not responding favorably to government threats. How is that going to work out?
They can’t do it without us. The travel, the shopping, the food, the coffee, the construction, the law enforcement…none of it can be done without us.
What does this look like going forward? I don’t really know, but it is exciting to see people from all walks of life and all professions standing up and saying “NO, you’re not taking away my rights!” Millions of Americans are voicing support for these patriots who are holding the line. #FreedomFlu is trending on Twitter.
This stops when we the people stand up to this tyranny. I am proud to see so many brave Americans refusing to back down, refusing to be bullied. This is how we fight back and this is how we will win. Standing together, standing for America!
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