Month: <span>November 2020</span>

Month: November 2020

Give Thanks…And Fight for FREEDOM

Give Thanks…And Fight for FREEDOM

In a year that feels like the “upside down”, I’d say that 2020 has made me acutely more aware of the blessings in my life and the things that I have taken for granted. It’s been easy to get discouraged this year, no doubt about it. As I look back, though, I see...

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Courage is Contagious

Courage is Contagious

It’s time. We have sat back in our “polite silence” for too long. We have been afraid to offend the easily offended. We have been afraid to lose friends – cyber and IRL (in real life). For many, we have been afraid to lose jobs or clients or promotions. As a result,...

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Divided We Stand

Divided We Stand

I have heard it said dozens of times in the last few years that America is more divided now than it has been since the Civil War in the 1860s. There are many reasons for such a claim: Some want socialism, others want to continue in a capitalist society. Some say that...

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Conservative Ladies of Washington

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