Critical Race Theory is arguably one of the top two or three threats to our American way of life as we know it today.
Conservative Ladies of Washington is committed to sounding the alarm on this garbage as often as we can. But we don’t just want to “sound the alarm”, we want to inspire YOU to take action to speak out against this. That can look different for each person. Maybe you are called to send emails or make phone calls to legislators and other leaders. Maybe you are a parent or taxpayer who feels compelled to stand in front of the school board and tell them exactly how you feel about this agenda being pushed in our public “schools” (we use quotes because they have become more like indoctrination centers than schools). Or maybe you’re a person who wants to make signs and peacefully protest with others. There are many ways we can stand against this agenda that seeks to destroy our nation and indoctrinate our youth.
Here we will share resources that will educate you on CRT. We’ll also share links to videos and articles about other parents and citizens in Washington and beyond to inspire you to take action too!
- CLW Founder, Julie Barrett, spoke to The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH 770 regarding CRT in her daughter’s 8th grade science class in Bothell’s Northshore School District: Rantz: Teacher uses science class to label white middle schoolers privileged oppressors (
- Know your rights – A guide to Critical Race
Theory, anti-discrimination law and civil rights
protections for everyone Finne-Know-your-rights-A-guide-to-Critical-Race-Theory-anti-discrimination-law-and-civil-rights-protections-for-everyone.pdf ( - Washington public school officials lower academic standards as they implement Critical Race Theory – Finne-WA-public-school-officials-lower-academic-standards-as-they-implement-CRT-program.pdf (
- What is Ethnic Studies? A look at Ethnic Studies on a national and state level: What is Ethnic Studies? – Conservative Ladies of Washington
- Nationwide, mothers in school districts are pushing back against Marxist-infused critical race theory curricula in order to protect their children. Moms Must Keep Hammering Schools Until Critical Race Theory Is Dead (
- President Donald J. Trump’s Op-Ed – Plan to Get CRT Out of Public Schools: A Plan to Get Divisive & Radical Theories Out of Our Schools | RealClearPolitics
- Voddie Bauchan exposes the demonic nature behind critical race theory in this Daily Wire interview: ‘This Is About Power’: Black Theologian Voddie T. Baucham Exposes ‘Demonic Ideology’ Behind CRT, BLM, Antiracism | The Daily Wire
- The complete infiltration of CRT into every aspect of “education”: CRT Has Infiltrated Every Aspect of Education – Conservative Ladies of Washington
- Washington state mandates CRT training for educators: Washington State Mandates Critical Race Theory In All Public Schools (
- A mother and radio show host rebuked a Colorado school board for implementing critical race theory into the school’s curriculum under the guise of “equity.” WATCH: Colorado Mother Rebukes Critical Race Theory As ‘Nightmare’ That Needs To ‘End Now’ | The Daily Wire
- Familiarize yourself with the terminology used by CRT advocates: Glossary | Racial Equity Tools
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is in all Washington schools and is the framework for CRT. Your school likely uses the term “SEL” for the curriculum that is being used to push CRT. CASEL is one of the most common used by schools nationwide. Advancing Social and Emotional Learning – CASEL
- The Heritage Foundation virtual event with Voddie Baucham on June 10, 2021 VIRTUAL: Critical Race Theory: The Fault Lines of Social Justice | The Heritage Foundation
- This video-essay by Christopher Rufo explores the intellectual history of critical race theory, how it’s devouring America’s public institutions, and what you can do to fight back.