Our Mission:
As like-minded, freethinking ladies we pride ourselves in being a trendy, unaffiliated organization that blends political work with creating meaningful relationships. We focus on call-to-action type of activism, compelling citizens to consistently act toward change to produce long-lasting results.
Our Founder/ President
Julie Barrett
Conservative Ladies of Washington was created in November 2019 after our founder, Julie Barrett, had grown tired of being kicked out of neighborhood Facebook groups, constantly being called names and insulted for having an opinion that went against the leftist “group think.” Julie was born and raised in the Seattle area, is a wife, mother of 4 + a bonus son. She was a single mom for 10 years and formerly owned a boutique gym and spent many years as a bodybuilder. Never “particularly political”, Julie realized that it was time to stand up and speak up during the 2016 Presidential election. Bringing her political passion together with her professional expertise in digital marketing and communications, Conservative Ladies of Washington was born. Julie is passionate about defending traditional American values, protecting and defending parental rights, restoring our public education system, supporting small business, protecting the unborn, and our 2nd amendment.

A message from our founder, Julie Barrett, on the creation and mission and vision of Conservative Ladies of Washington.
Diana Amirehteshami
Diana is a mid-western transplant having lived in the PNW for almost 30 years. Diana is a wife and mother of three grown kids. She plays golf with her husband whenever they can. Diana comes to Conservative Ladies of WA with an extensive background in non-profits. Her latest affiliation is with National Charity League, Inc. as a Sustainer, Honorary Life member of the South Coast Chapter and National Director-at-large from 2017-2019, as well as PTA’s, Booster Clubs and Dance/Sports Organizations. Diana was raised in a conservative home, a Reaganite and a Rush Limbaugh fan. During the 2020 election, Diana, defeated and discouraged, looking for a platform in which she could speak with like-minded people, discovered CLW. Diana is a believer in Christ and draws her strength through God’s Word. She believes in the freedoms our forefathers laid out in the US Constitution. She is tired of keeping quiet – now is the time to speak. Now is the time to act. Diana is committed to Encourage, Empower & Equip the Conservative Ladies of Washington.

America First
CLW supports an AMERICA-FIRST agenda. We defend our Constitution and our God-given Rights, with a primary focus on parental rights, education, the right to life, the 1st amendment and the 2nd amendment.
Drain the Swamp
We will support candidates and elected officials who are committed to preserving and restoring our American values, who take a stand against the radical left and moderates willing to compromise our Constitution for political gain.