Last week (May 6-10) was filing week. All candidates had to file by Friday, May 10th in order to run for office in Washington for this election. We've done our first pass at sorting through the legislative seats that will be on the ballot. We will work to make a tool...
Future Voter Program in WA’s public schools
Parents will likely be hyper-aware this year as their high school students are engaging in “youth voter registration.” This is legal and was passed through the Washington legislature in 2018 in HB 1513 in an effort to address low youth voter turnout and encourage participation of youth in the election process.
Universal Civic Voting could be coming to WA
Last session Conservative Ladies testified in opposition to SB 5209 on January 31st in the Senate State Government & Elections Committee. We believe this bill interferes with our First Amendment Rights. This bill would establish “universal civic duty voting,” which would require citizens to vote, by law. Of course, we think all citizens who are legally eligible to vote should exercise this duty and privilege. However, we do not believe it should be mandated and this law would create an “opt OUT” system, rather than opt in. A citizen would have to submit a waiver in order to get out of their “legal” obligation to cast a ballot.
Washington lawmaker proposes legislation to collect data on families unenrolling their children from public schools
This year, a republican, Stephanie McClintock, has proposed a bill that would ask families that have opted to withdraw their children from public schools WHY they’re doing so via a voluntary exit survey. She notes in her bill (HB 2038) that enrollment in private schools and the number of homeschooling families have increased while enrollment in public schools has simultaneously decreased.
Official Endorsement: Joe Kent for Congress WA-03
It is our honor to give Joe Kent our endorsement for Washington’s 3rd District Representative in the United States Congress.
Abortion Is Not on The Ballot
Nationwide, Democrats are running on the issue of abortion, the need to defend “reproductive rights.” Many candidates and elected officials seem to be utterly obsessed with preserving the ability of a woman (a term the left claim they cannot define, unless they are a biologist) to have an abortion at any time, for any reason. This is their platform issue because they are failing in every way and unless you live in a cave off the grid, you understand that regular American citizens are suffering and see the damage and destruction happening daily on the Democrats’ watch.
Official Endorsement: Brett Rogers, Snohomish County Prosecutor
Conservative Ladies of Washington is honored to give our full support and endorsement to Brett Rogers, candidate for Snohomish County Prosecutor
Seattle Teachers Strike on First Day of School
Sorry, Seattle Public Schools families, you'll have to wait a little longer to go back to school this year. As if it wasn't enough that you haven't had a normal school year since 2018-19, the Seattle Education Association is going to keep you and your kids in limbo...
Official Endorsement: Brandon Beynon for State Representative LD31
It is with great hope and confidence that we give our full support and official endorsement to Brandon Beynon, candidate for State Representative in the 31st Legislative District of Washington.
Official Endorsement: Bernard Moody, State Senate LD38
We are honored to give our full endorsement to Washington State Senate candidate for the 38th Legislative District, Bernard Moody.