Nationwide, Democrats are running on the issue of abortion, the need to defend “reproductive rights.” Many candidates and elected officials seem to be utterly obsessed with preserving the ability of a woman (a term the left claim they cannot define, unless they are a biologist) to have an abortion at any time, for any reason. This is their platform issue because they are failing in every way and unless you live in a cave off the grid, you understand that regular American citizens are suffering and see the damage and destruction happening daily on the Democrats’ watch.
What you need to know:
This year, the Washington state legislature passed HB-1851. This bill expanded Washington’s existing abortion laws, allowing for pregnant “individuals” (they changed the language and crossed out woman, replacing with individual, throughout the bill text) to get an abortion at any time during the pregnancy for any reason, and can now be performed by “any” health care provider without liability. The Democrats tout this as “reproductive healthcare.”
HB-1851 was passed in advance of and predicting the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v Wade.

In Washington state, abortion is not on the ballot. Our laws here are very pro abortion and are not in jeopardy of being overturned anytime soon. Yet, Washington Democrats have made abortion their platform issue. Why?
Washington citizens are struggling greatly due to the highest inflation in 40 years. Gas prices in Washington are over $5/gallon and will be increasing with the new gas tax by $0.50-1.00 on January 1. Prices on groceries are up 13%. Meanwhile, earnings are down 3% on a national average. Democrats don’t have a plan to provide any relief to Washington/American citizens. It’s easier if they can divert your attention to “Abortion! Abortion! Abortion! We must kill the tiny humans!”
In June, Governor Jay Inslee announced that he was making $1 million in funds available for “reproductive care clinics.” Do not be confused, these are for abortion clinics, not pro-life pregnancy resource clinics. That’s $1 million in taxpayer funds to pay for abortions.
On Friday, in a press conference in Bellingham, Jay Inslee said that next week legislators will be announcing additional abortion access protection bills.
“The sanctuary policy will provide patients and providers with legal tools and protections if there are any criminal or civil actions commenced against them for lawfully receiving or providing reproductive health care services or gender-affirming services in Washington state.
The bill, sponsored by Rep. Drew Hansen, will help to protect patients from other states who seek health care services in Washington state.” KIRO7
It’s not enough to have abortion on demand for any reason, at any time during the pregnancy, to be performed by any medical provider, now the Washington Democrats want taxpayers to ensure that residents of other states have these same services available.
The Democrats [nationwide] are obsessed with killing unborn babies. This is their most important issue – second only to the medical and surgical “gender affirming care” of minor children. It’s time to stop the Democrats and their evil agenda.
We must vote for Republican candidates to “stop the bleeding” in Washington and on a federal level. There are many issues that are impacting average citizens in a very real way and the Democrats have no plan or intention of addressing these problems.
Conservative Ladies of Washington is ready to fight this pro-abortion legislation come January 2023. Most Americans do not support the idea of abortion-on-demand and killing babies up to birth (and in some states, beyond).
We need you in this fight with us. Please consider joining CLW today or donating to our efforts. All CLW members who join before the November launch of Conservative Ladies of America (CLA) will be grandfathered into the national organization for the life of their membership.