Over the last two years we’ve watched as Governor Jay Inslee has used and abused his emergency powers. SB-5909, introduced by Bremerton Democrat Senator Emily Randall, seeks to curb the governor’s emergency powers. This bill has a hearing in the State Government & Elections Committee in the Senate on Friday, January 28 at 10:30AM. Please click the button below BEFORE 9AM on January 28th to have your PRO position noted for the legislative record.
The bill allows the governor to still exercise his emergency powers, but they would be limited to 90 days at which time a small group of legislative leaders would have the authority to terminate state of emergency declarations or emergency orders, like vaccine mandates and eviction moratoria, while the legislature is not in session. To curb these emergency powers, the majority and minority leaders of the state House and Senate would need to reach a “four-corner agreement.”
This bill is a good step in the right direction to putting limitations on the emergency powers that can be used by the governor.
It’s important that we make our voices heard. Click the TAKE ACTION NOW button below and note your position for the legislative record. Please note your position as “PRO” in the top box, complete the rest of the form and finish by clicking “Submit Registration.” (*Note: you are not registering to testify, you are noting your position in favor of this bill for the legislative record)
You can also comment and follow this bill here: Washington State Legislature