SAY NO to state mandated
Covid-19 shots for children!
The Washington State Board of Health (WSBOH) will have it’s January meeting on Wednesday, January 12th. On the agenda: Immunization Criteria for Child Care and School Entry. (making Covid shots mandatory for child care and school admission)
The public has until NOON *this* Friday, January 7th to provide public comment. We encourage you to send your comment expressing that Covid shots should absolutely NOT be a requirement for our children. Your comment doesn’t need to be lengthy. We encourage you to remind the BOH that children are at extremely low risk for Covid and that the vaccines are still only EUA (emergency use authorization).
This issue is expected to be discussed at approximately 2:30pm on January 12th. You can view the meeting agenda in its entirety here: WSBOH-Agenda-2022-01-12-Draft.pdf (
Please consider also attending the meeting via zoom – even if you just have it on in the background as you are doing other things, it gives the board the appearance that we are watching! Webinar Registration – Zoom
Please provide your public comment here: Provide Public Comments :: Washington State Board of Health
There’s also an agenda item prior to the shots for kids regarding the WAC codes. I have been contacted by many concerned citizens and many have shared other information circulating on this topic. I have taken the time to research this as best as I can to determine if we will put out a call to action.
What I know:
- These WAC codes are not new. Many are as far back as 2009 (and probably even older) The one everyone is extremely concerned about it 246-100-070. This has been in WAC since December of 2009. Here is that code: default.aspx (
Here is the entire list of codes (last updated 2018): Chapter 246-100 WAC:
2. I have read through the November meeting documents and looked through all of the amendments and changes to the codes and I do not see anything that alarms me or that we would have an “action” to give you. You can review those meeting materials here: Washington State Board of Health Meeting Materials :: Washington State Board of Health
Here is Rep Jim Walsh’s statement regarding this agenda item from his Facebook page:
“[Agenda]Item 9 is troubling–but not news. We’ve discussed it on this page and in Q&As many times. It’s the section of WAC that allows local Health Dept’s to set up isolation and quarantine facilities. And, in certain situations, send people to those facilities involuntarily. Against their will.
Again, this isn’t new. That bad WAC has been in place for a while–even before COVID. It has never been used in WA. And it runs against various sections of the WA State Constitution. It’s unconstitutional! The Board of Health’s possible action is to extend this WAC. It should NOT do that. To extend the rule would just be bureaucratic rubber-stamping of the current Governor’s unconstitutional excesses.”
3. The quarantine camps in WA are not for the average citizen – they are primarily to be used for homeless (that’s not to say I don’t think they could go down that road…anything is possible, but we’re not there yet) Jim Walsh has done a great Q&A on this – dig through his FB page
Again, here is the agenda in its entirety. WSBOH-Agenda-2022-01-12-Draft.pdf ( We encourage you to register to attend the zoom meeting on January 12th so that you can hear first-hand what is going on. You can register for the zoom meeting here: Webinar Registration – Zoom
Update from WSBOH: