Today is Christmas Eve and as I reflect it seems this year has gone by in the blink of an eye, and yet at the same time, it has been painfully slow some days. As a mother of twins, I always said of my girls’ younger years that the days were like an eternity, but the years went by at rapid speed. That’s how I feel about 2021.
This year has brought pain and unexpected change to the lives of so many people. From losing loved ones, to losing jobs. Many families are struggling to make ends meet in our rapidly changing economy. So many people are dealing with mental health challenges because of the trauma induced by the “pandemic.” This “new normal” they have been selling us is anything but normal and not many of us are willing to accept it as such.
The holidays are often a challenging time for many people, this year seems to be even more so. As we cope with and grieve many losses, we also wonder about what the future holds.
Last year on Christmas Eve I wrote the following on my Facebook page:
What a crazy year this has been. Christmas is a wonderful reminder that no matter what is going on in our world – Jesus came to bring us NEW LIFE! And because of that, the best is yet to come.
As one of the most challenging years of my life draws to a close, I don’t find myself looking back on my words, thinking: “What a crock that was!” In fact, I have held tightly to a song by Big Daddy Weave called, “I Know.”
I know that You are good
I know that You are kind
I know that You are so much more than what I leave behind
I know that I am loved
I know that I am safe
Cause even in the fire to live is Christ, to die is gain
I know that You are good
As we walk through such challenging times and uncertainty ahead, it brings me great comfort to know that God is in control. None of this is a surprise to Him. He has not surrendered his authority to Joe Biden or Jay Inslee or the school board directors or anyone else. He is sovereign and He is good. As we endure this earthly suffering, let us be intentional about reminding ourselves and others about the HOPE we have in Christ.
“For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on HIS shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. HIS government and its PEACE will never end. He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will make this happen!”
Isaiah 9:6-7
*By Julie Barrett, Founder, Conservative Ladies of Washington