It’s Giving Tuesday

It’s Giving Tuesday

It’s #GivingTuesday and we wanted to share with you some of our favorite organizations that are doing good things for our communities and are worthy of your donations.

We feel strongly that it is important to align with and financially support organizations that reflect our conservative values.

First and foremost, if you are a member or regular attendee of a church, we recommend that you consider supporting them on this Giving Tuesday – whether that is a general offering or supporting a specific mission. Most churches are now offering online giving, so check your church’s website for ways to donate.

As an organization that fully supports families, children and especially parental rights, we are always looking at organizations that support this mission. We believe that life starts at conception and with love and support and resources, parents can choose life. Care Net of Puget Sound is one of our favorite partners. They are a pro-life pregnancy resource center offering full support to parents who find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy.

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The Christmas Box House is an organization by author Richard Paul Evans that offers shelter for children and youth in abusive situations. Their short-term emergency shelters protect nearly a thousand children each year who are removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect, trafficking, or are facing homelessness. Shelters like this are critical for our youth. Unfortunately, here in Washington state we haven’t found anything like the Christmas Box House, but we hope that in the coming years the organization will expand to our state. In the meantime, this is a very worthy organization for your financial support. Donation Form (

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I add the Anasazi Foundation to this list because they have been completely life changing for my family. Anasazi is a wilderness therapy program for troubled teens. Their motto is “turning hearts homeward.” Before we sent our son we had heard very mixed things about wilderness programs. Anasazi is focused on reuniting families, empowering and instilling confidence in youth and returning them back to their families. We have now had two children in the program and we can’t say enough good things about the love and support this organization provides to families in crisis. Many families cannot afford the cost of the program and your donation allows youth who would otherwise be unable to have this life changing experience. Why Support ANASAZI? – ANASAZI Foundation

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Rescue: Freedom is a Kirkland, Washington based foundation that is committed to fighting human trafficking around the globe. Their mission is not just to rescue victims of human trafficking but also to restore them and offer them a new start. Rescue:Freedom International (

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You can check with Charity Navigator before you give to any organization

. Charity Navigator – Your Guide To Intelligent Giving | Home

Conservative Ladies of Washington

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