The Best is Yet to Come

The Best is Yet to Come

I just LOVE this guy! I LOVE how much he loves America. His love for country is contagious. He started a movement. He energized apathetic Americans to come out and start fighting for the founding values of this great country.

Thank you Jesus! Thank you for the blessing of Donald J. Trump. Thank you for using him for YOUR GLORY.

The God I serve is a God of VICTORY! I do not believe He is finished using Donald Trump. I don’t know what tomorrow looks like or the day after that. But I DO know with 100% certainty that God has a plan…that ONLY God knows. There is no human on earth who has intel on God’s plan.

Thanks to President Donald J. Trump we have redefined our conservative beliefs:

• Countries have borders

• All lives matter

• There are two genders

• The government should not spy on its citizens

• The Press should not lie

• Crime should be punished

• Rioting is a crime and the criminals should be held accountable

• Different views should be heard

Today we CELEBRATE 45!! We celebrate President Trump and the MAGA movement. As our President said yesterday…THE BEST IS YET TO COME.

For a full list of President Trump’s accomplishments during his term visit: Trump.Accomplishments.FINAL.pdf (

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Conservative Ladies of Washington

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