Welcome to Week 11 of the Legislative Session!
As promised, every Monday of the session we’re sending you our “Top 5” bills that have hearings or some kind of action happening in the legislature this week. Last week was the session cutoff for bills to advance out of their “chamber of origin.” Bills that passed now move to the opposite chamber where they will go through the process of public hearings & testimony, executive sessions and floor debates once again. This gives citizens the opportunity to continue to influence these bills. We have a lot of bad bills we need to keep fighting – please keep taking action. And please consider becoming a CLW member if you aren’t already – our Legislative Action Team could use you!
Click the links below the image to sign in and have your position noted for the legislative record (this is quick, easy and IMPORTANT!) For more calls to action, visit our Legislative Action Center

HB 1478 has a hearing in the Senate K-12 & Early Learning Committee on Monday afternoon at 1:30PM. This bill is called a “statement of student rights.” According to the chair of the House Education, this bill does not give students any additional rights than what they already have as Americans, so it’s peculiar what the intent is behind it. The bill would take effect 90 days after being signed into law but when would the OSPI and districts create the curriculum to come into compliance with this mandate? The bill doesn’t say.
The bill requires school districts, charter schools, and state-tribal education compact schools to develop and distribute student-focused educational and promotional materials that incorporate the statement of student of rights and requires these materials to be incorporated into civics education.
Sign in CON by 12:30PM Monday, 3/20/23
SB 5599 is scheduled for public hearing on March 22nd at 1:30PM. SB 5599 is bill that would allow minor children access to “protected health care services”, a pretty and very deceptive name for abortion and gender transition surgeries, hormones and drugs. The bill operates as a “homeless youth” bill, but ANY minor child seeking these “protected health care services” would be able to get shelter and services without parental consent as this is deemed a “compelling reason” not to tell parents based on the language in the bill. You can read more and send a direct email to your representatives here: Action Center (votervoice.net)
Sign in CON before 12:30PM on March 22
HB 1143 (now called E2SHB – Engrossed 2nd Substitute House Bill) A dealer may not transfer any firearm to a purchaser or transferee until: completion of a background check indicating the person is eligible to possess a firearm; and 10 business days have elapsed since the dealer requested the background check. In addition, a dealer may not transfer any firearm to a purchaser or transferee unless the person produces proof of completion of a recognized firearms safety training program within the last five years, or proof of an exemption from the training requirement. The training program must include instruction on components currently required for firearms safety training for semiautomatic assault rifle purchase and in addition must include instruction on: state laws pertaining to the use of deadly force for self-defense; and techniques for avoiding a criminal attack and how to manage a violent confrontation. Proof of training must be in the form of a certification stating under penalty of perjury that the training included the minimum requirements.
Sign in CON before 7AM on March 23
HB 1240 (SHB = Substitute House Bill) the “Assault Weapons” ban…need we say more?
“Assault weapon” is a made-up term by anti-gun politicians and activists. They have created a long list of firearms that they want to ban the sale of in Washington state. This bill is unconstitutional and will undoubtedly face challenges in court if it is passed. There are currently other cases pending that would set precedence for shutting down this legislation altogether. But it won’t come without expense to the taxpayers of Washington, so we need to stop it NOW before it is passed.
Sign in CON before 7AM on March 23
SJM 8006 would make an official request by the Washington state legislature of the federal government to create a Universal Healthcare program. We are strongly opposed to the socialist idea of universal healthcare. Please sign in CON before 7AM on March 24