What’s Your Role In The Battle?

What’s Your Role In The Battle?

*By Julie Barrett, Founder, Conservative Ladies of Washington

Over the last month I’ve written a couple of blogs about the battle that we are in today. Today I want to talk about your role in this battle. We all have a role to play. We can all do something to make a positive difference as we wage this war. What can YOU do?

I talk to a lot of people and large percentage of those people tell me, they’re really “not into politics” or don’t really want to get involved in government. And I totally get it. I’ve never been into politics or government either and for most of my life I had no desire…count me out for that. Hard pass! However, we’ve reached a point in time where if we are going to save our country, we all have a responsibility to suit up and report for duty.

It may sound daunting to hear that, especially if you feel ill-equipped for a battle of this kind. But let me encourage you: there is a role for everybody…even YOU!

Over the last year, and especially the last few months, I have seen ordinary citizens who have been going about their lives, putting on the gloves and getting in the ring. I have watched ladies I know file for candidacy for their local school board or city council. They’ve never run for office before and many of them wouldn’t consider themselves “political”, but these ladies know if good people like them don’t step up and run for these positions, we’re doomed for more of the same…or worse. They’ve been called and they are answering the call.

Running for public office may not be your role in the battle, and that’s ok. It’s not everybody’s calling. Maybe you are a mom who never planned on homeschooling your children but you see what’s going on in our government indoctrination centers (aka school) and you know that the best thing you could do for the future of your children is to homeschool them. This is a huge role in the battle. Every little human that we can spare from this leftist indoctrination is a step in the right direction for our society. Maybe you have one or 7 children that you refuse to allow to be influenced by the garbage being taught in our schools…thank you, you’ve just made a positive impact in our country. This is your role in the battle.

Perhaps you really feel compelled to write letters to democratic legislators and elected officials on a regular basis, telling them why they should or should not pass bills or mandate vaccines and masks. That is a crucial role in this battle.

Maybe your role is spearheading the battle on our knees and leading or organizing others in prayer – or perhaps it’s quiet moments by yourself in fervent prayer for our nation, our families, our leaders. That is also an important role in this battle. Prayer is our most powerful weapon and prayer warriors are needed in this battle.

There are so many important roles, I can’t possibly name them all. I hope you see my point that our role doesn’t have to be in the spotlight or in an elected position to be important. There is something each one of us has been uniquely equipped to do during this battle. What we need to do as individuals is determine what our passion and our gift is and embrace it and go all in! Take some time and consider what action step you feel called to take. Each role in the battle is significant – don’t ever discount your part in this battle. We need all hands on deck!

Conservative Ladies of Washington

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