*By Bernadette Pajer, Informed Choice Washington, Public Policy Director
On May 12, 2021, the United States Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)voted to recommend the investigational Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Pfizer shot to children ages 12 to 15.
The ACIP also voted to end restrictions around co-administration with other vaccines even though there has not been a single clinical trial administering any of the shots with any other vaccine. More on this below.
Why are young teens being targeted with EUA shots?
This is an age group that does not tend to be susceptible to severe infection, and CDC says from March of 2020 through April 2021, those aged 12-17 made up just 9% of the reported cases, and very few of the hospitalizations. As with adults, children with underlying health issues are more at risk. Most children experience low to no symptoms and likely develop long-lasting robust immunity.
FDA states about the Pfizer’s clinical trial with 12-15 year olds:
An analysis of cases of COVID-19 occurring among participants, 12 through 15 years of age, seven days after the second dose was also conducted. In this analysis, among participants without evidence of prior infection with SARS-CoV-2, no cases of COVID-19 occurred among 1,005 vaccine recipients and 16 cases of COVID-19 occurred among 978 placebo recipients; the vaccine was 100% effective in preventing COVID-19. At this time, there are limited data to address whether the vaccine can prevent transmission of the virus from person to person. In addition, at this time, data are not available to determine how long the vaccine will provide protection.
Just like with adults, the studies were not designed to find out if the shots prevent infection or transmission, only if they prevent mild to moderate symptoms, and it’s unknown how long any personal protection afforded might last.
It’s very clear that the shots don’t prevent infection, serious disease, or fatalities. In an alarming and highly unscientific move, the CDC has decided to stop telling the public the full number of breakthrough cases reported, and only pass on the numbers of fully vaccinated individuals who get COVID-19 anyway and are hospitalized or die.
Not a single clinical trial has been done administering the COVID-19 shots with any other vaccine. There is zero safety data. The Pfizer EUA Fact Sheet states:
After the 14-0 vote with one abstention to recommend the Pfizer EUA shot to 12-15 year olds, with no restriction on co-administration with other shots, some ACIP members gave their reason.
They only had one.
They don’t want to miss an opportunity to vaccinate.
That’s it. Science be hanged, safety unknown, by gosh, they didn’t want doctors to miss an opportunity to give other vaccines.
I will repeat. Zero safety studies.
What happens when a 12-year-old is injected with Gardasil with its highly reactogenic aluminum AAHS adjuvant in one arm and the Pfizer mRNA shot in the other?
We have no idea.
What on earth were the members of the ACIP thinking? Why would they make a recommendation based on zero safety science?
FiercePharma, the drug industry’s insider online magazine, provided a likely answer within hours of the ACIP’s vote:
As revenues for several Big Pharma players slumped to start the year, execs blamed part of the problem on the accelerating COVID-19 vaccine rollout. The CDC had recommended people don’t get another shot within two weeks of their COVID-19 vaccine, hitting sales for key products.
Now, the CDC is doing away with that suggestion entirely in an effort to boost routine immunizations among teens. The move could spell financial rewards for leading vaccine companies such as Merck, GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer.
During the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) meeting on Wednesday, experts endorsed the COVID-19 shot from Pfizer and BioNTech in adolescents aged 12 to 15 and additionally tossed out the agency’s two-week restriction on administering other vaccines.
Over the past few years, vaccine safety reform and medical freedom advocates have attempted to show the public and local public health agencies examples of ACIP votes that have put the public at risk. Nothing has come close to the atrocity of this blatant handing of the American public, and America’s children, to the drug industry.
We need your help letting parents know that the EUA recommendation to children is based on very limited data, and the co-administration of the EUA shots with other vaccines has zero safety studies. Please share this article everywhere. Send it to your legislators & major media, provide the link in comments to social media posts for the local and national news agencies. Post wherever parents can be found.
Tell the world, and ACIP, our children are not for sale.
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