I’ve lived in Snohomish County for most of my life. My parents still live in the home we moved into 45 years ago on my 2nd birthday. For all but a few years, I’ve also raised my own family in Snohomish County. For the most part, the county used to be pretty rural, lots of farmland and horse pastures. Over the last few decades, I have watched as these farmhouses were torn down, the land developed, and tens or hundreds of homes built in their place. South Snohomish County is mostly urban and quickly spreading throughout the rest of the county.
I love it here. It’s always been a good place, a safe place.
Thanks to radical left Democrat policies, I can’t say this any longer.
Crime is rampant. Drug use is raging. I can’t take my kids to the grocery store without watching someone get high in the parking lot. Homelessness is prevalent. The Next Door app is flooded with reports of neighborhood theft. And this weekend, over the course of 3 days, 3 people were shot and all 3 of those people are dead.
Friday morning there was a home invasion in an otherwise nice and safe neighborhood. Three men entered the home, shot the wife/mother, and fled the scene on foot. The wife was pronounced dead on the scene.

On Saturday, there was a shooting of a 27-year-old man in Granite Falls by a 22 year old man. The victim is dead.

On Sunday, at the time I’m writing this article, a third victim has been shot and killed and the suspect, a 5’08 black male, is on the loose. A manhunt with K9s and drones is underway.

Meanwhile, the state Attorney General, Bob Ferguson is busy tweeting juvenile tweets at Tim Eyman and suing the state of Idaho for their ban on abortion. Snohomish County is not the only county in Washington with a huge crime problem, it’s just the one I happen to live in. This is happening all over Washington state. My friends in Spokane say it’s getting bad over there as well. The east side has long been known as the “sane side.” But thanks to policies made in Olympia by radical left Democrats, no county in the state is truly safe anymore.
What’s happening?
Unless you’re paying close attention, (because the mainstream media won’t tell you) you may not realize that the state legislature, controlled by a Democrat majority, has been passing soft-on-crime laws that do not hold criminals accountable, due in part to democrats seeking laws to be “equitable.” In the 2021 session, they passed 13 “police reform” laws that have tied the hands of law enforcement officers and made it difficult for them to protect our communities.
Over the last year and a half, my involvement in our legislative process has taught me a lot. More than anything, it has impressed upon me, that the place where our attention is most needed is at this foundational level of lawmaking. If we do not change the people who are making our laws, we will continue to see these disastrous policies come out of Olympia. We will continue to see the deterioration of our communities and this beautiful state that we love.
I hope that you are angry like me. And I hope you direct that anger into meaningful action (and of course, peaceful.)
Here are a few things that you can do RIGHT NOW:
- Find out who is running in your legislative district (LD). If you’ve got a democrat incumbent, be sure to vote for the Republican on the ballot. It may not be a “conservative Republican,” but even a squishy Republican is better than an evil leftist. The voter’s guide is not up yet for the general election, but you can use this results page to search for your LD and find the top 2 candidates – these will be on your November ballot. If you have questions, reach out to our team at vote@conservativeladiesofwa.com and we’ll be happy to help.
- Support the Republican candidates who are running in your district. Reach out to them. Get to know them now so that you can communicate with them in January when the session starts.
- Become a member of CLW. Our team is already working on our 2023 legislative strategy. There are several ways you can participate during the session, depending on time available to commit.
- Get armed! If you don’t already own a firearm and know how to use it, please put that on your to-do list, top priority!
*By Julie Barrett, Founder, Conservative Ladies of Washington