When Republicans start to win the game, Democrats want to change the rules

When Republicans start to win the game, Democrats want to change the rules

WA bill to change initiative process

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Thanks to a tip, we’ve learned about a bill that was dropped yesterday and already has a committee hearing TODAY! Sneaky sneaky! We believe this bill is in direct response to the Let’s Go Washington legislative initiatives that have been successful in getting certified, leading them to action by the legislature or to the November ballot for citizen vote.

But wait!

We can’t have that in Washington. So now Democrats want to change the game. Enter HB 2459…Because a few of these initiatives would repeal some big, bad taxes in Washington, the Democrats want to get ahead of it so they can message to citizens that these measures, if passed, would most certainly cut funding for things citizens need. “If you vote for this initiative we won’t be able to fund [insert favorite socialist program here] any longer.

Please ACT FAST! Sign in CON and share this with all your friends. Sign in BEFORE 12:30PM, Tuesday, January 23rd.


HB 2459: The Public Investment Impact Disclosure Act is a proposed bill that would require the attorney general to prepare a public investment impact disclosure for any ballot measure that affects state revenue and services.

The disclosure would apply to any measure that repeals, levies, or modifies any tax or fee, and has a fiscal impact statement that shows a net change in state revenue1. The disclosure would consist of a 10- or 15-word description of the services that would be affected by the measure, using neutral language. The disclosure would also indicate whether the measure would increase, maintain, or decrease funding for those services.

If the legislature passes an alternative measure to an initiative that requires a disclosure, the attorney general would prepare a disclosure for the alternative measure as well, using the same description of services as the initiative.

This bill is going to move fast. We’ll keep you updated every step of the way so you can take action. You can follow the break calls to action for HB 2459 HERE


Sign in BEFORE 12:30PM, Tuesday, January 23rd.

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If you miss the deadline to sign in CON, please send an email to all the committee members asking for their NO vote on Friday, January 26th








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