

Letter to WSSDA

Letter to WSSDA

Today Conservative Ladies of Washington sent an email to the President and Executive Director of Washington State School Director’s Association requesting a response to the NSBA’s (National School Board Association) September 29th letter to the Biden Administration. 

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It’s Time to Rise!

It’s Time to Rise!

*By Julie Barrett, Founder, Conservative Ladies of Washington Have you been cautious about who you expose your conservative, right-leaning, maybe even just “moderate and sane” political beliefs to? Have you kept your American flag in your garage so your neighbors...

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Can You Hear Us Now?

Can You Hear Us Now?

*By Julie Barrett, Founder, Conservative Ladies of Washington Sometimes the most important thing for us is simply to know that our voices, our concerns have been heard…that what we have just poured out did not fall upon deaf ears. "We Hear You." Is that too much to...

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Parents: Speak Up!

Parents: Speak Up!

Yesterday the U.S. Department of Justice announced a new initiative to address “harassment, intimidation and threats of violence” against school board members, teachers and workers in our public schools. the Justice Department will launch a series of...

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Hop In

Hop In

*By Debbi Anderson, Education Lead, Conservative Ladies of Washington It says in the Bible that God does not give us more than we can bear.  I pondered that for a while and thought, that just can’t be.  Right now, I am positive I am trying to handle more than I can...

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Evil Acknowledged

Evil Acknowledged

*By Julie Barrett, Founder, Conservative Ladies of Washington If you acknowledge evil, you have to fight it. That's why most people choose to deny it. It's more comfortable.Dennis Prager The amount of evil going on in our world right now is not just uncomfortable, it...

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Connecting The Church

Connecting The Church

The church once again is being called upon to stand for righteousness, truth, and light. We need to push back the darkness by prayer, fasting, and good works.

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Conservative Ladies of Washington

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