Happy New Year!
It’s amazing to see how much Conservative Ladies of Washington has accomplished in less than 3 years, when we began in 2021. We have experienced remarkable growth and most importantly, reaching, and engaging citizens who have never been politically engaged. In late 2022 we launched our national organization, Conservative Ladies of America and are excited to be expanding our legislative activism into many new states and more focused at a federal level in 2024.
With this growth comes the need to grow our team in Washington. I am excited to announce the addition of Joy Gjersvold to our executive team as Programs Director for Conservative Ladies of Washington. Joy has already done extensive work in conservative activism in Washington state. She has also been serving on our Legislative Action Team as the Lead for Parental Rights issues since August 2023.

Joy is a mom, a proud retired military spouse, and a former high school teacher. She has served her community in grassroots programs since she was 18 including serving as a Navy Family Ombudsman, an Ombudsman Trainer, and the Group 9 Ombudsman Assembly Chair at Sub Base Bangor, WA. Joy has advocated for children, parents, and families her whole life and continues that legacy with her work in her community in Kitsap County.
With the addition of Joy to our team, we will be able to increase our influence in Olympia and continue our growth in the state of Washington. Joy is a fierce warrior for freedom and liberty and we are honored to have her joining us in this new role. You can reach Joy via email at joy@conservativeladiesofwa.com
We hope you’ll join us in the fight in 2024! Please consider making a donation or becoming a paid subscriber (member) today to support our work.
God Bless,
Julie Barrett
Please consider supporting our efforts by becoming a paid subscriber or by making a donation today. Our work is possible thanks to people like you!